Homeschooling gifted students is an important aspect of giving them a proper education that meets their needs and adequately challenges them. Advanced learners may not feel comfortable in a traditional educational system, and San Diego Virtual School can help them by providing an environment and resources needed to become educated at their own pace. Give us a call today to get started with an online education program that will adequately challenge your gifted student and give them the tools to excel much faster. In addition to a quality education, your child will have access to free career and college counseling to help them use their advanced skills to work towards a promising future.

Because San Diego Virtual School is an online charter school, we are able to offer this unique and flexible option to advanced learners at no cost. The same funding that would be used to put a child through public school is also available for our online classes for courses for gifted students. In order for an advanced student to benefit from our program, they must be no older than 19 years of age. In addition, the student must reside in San Diego, Orange, Imperial, or Riverside county.

Once you reach out to San Diego Virtual School, you will be paired with an advisor to walk you through the enrollment process. They will help you navigate the enrollment process to ensure your child is set up for success. Contact us today to start the process now!


The courses offered for our gifted learners are customized to meet a student’s strengths and weaknesses; therefore, we are able to focus on the areas where they need extra help while furthering the subjects where they excel. Students are able to take control of their education to graduate sooner while having the necessary foundation they need to succeed in college. Our WASC accredited program meets state educational standards so all students are issued a traditional high school diploma reflecting their work in the program.

San Diego Virtual School’s program of online classes for gifted students allows them to receive a robust education. They will complete both a core curriculum consisting of English, science, mathematics, and social studies, as well as a set of electives like visual and performing arts and foreign language. With this background, students can receive an accredited high school diploma while still having the flexibility that best suits their learning style.

Gifted learners have often have an uncommon level of independence when compared to peers of the same age. Advanced students have longer attention spans, work well on their own, progress quickly at their own pace, easily retain information, and exhibit an impressive level of self-motivation. Some advanced learners can even have better self-motivation and independence than adults who are significantly older than them. This makes them perfect candidates for an advanced online high school that trusts students while still providing them a team of supportive teachers when needed. Our teachers get to know each student individually so they can understand when extra help is appreciated and when the student is content to work and learn on their own.

If you’re ready to help your gifted learner reach their full potential, contact our professional advisors today to learn more.


Are you unsure whether or not your child is one of many advanced learners that would benefit from homeschooling? While every child has areas where they excel, gifted learners carry a set of characteristics that are usually easily identified. A gifted child may demonstrate advanced skills such as vocabulary or communication, showing signs of being ahead of their assigned grade level. If your child constantly uses advanced words well above what’s normal for their age range, or if he or she exhibits other advanced academic abilities, communicates well with parents and teachers, and otherwise excels at tasks above his or her age range, he or she may be an advanced student.

Gifted students are often also inquisitive, creative, and self-motivated. This means that they may work at a pace different from their peers and have an internal sense of motivation that does not rely on traditional deadlines and classroom structure. By attending an advanced online high school, gifted and talented students are able to satisfy their curiosity and love for learning without feeling restricted by the classroom setting.

While your child does not need to carry any or all of these characteristics in order to be one of the advanced students at San Diego Virtual School, they will help you to spot if your child is gifted. You can always contact us and inquire more about what this means for your child and his or her education.


A gifted learner is able to learn at a much faster pace than the average student. As a result, they can be held back by having to wait for the rest of the class to catch up. This puts their education to a standstill, often resulting in boredom and counterintuitively poor performance. With our online courses for gifted students, your child no longer has to put their learning on hold to wait for the class to catch up. Our program for gifted students allows students to learn at their own pace. If they are able to work faster than the average student, they can move on to reach their academic goals quicker.

The online courses for gifted students that are offered at San Diego Virtual School allow for a level of customization that traditional schooling does not, which lets your advanced learned work at a speed that fits their needs. Our gifted students feel more empowered and challenged by their courses, encouraging them to work harder and perform to the best of their abilities. Where they may struggle or need further encouragement, each student is assigned a teacher to work with who can help guide them and create customized plans as necessary for the best experiences in our online classes for gifted students.

Not all advanced students are required to have the same characteristics, but they serve as a great starting point for discovering advanced learners among your children. Gifted and talented students face certain difficulties while attending traditional schools. Often, these difficulties hold gifted learners back from fulfilling their full potential. San Diego Virtual School allows advanced students to achieve their highest potential as we’re able to resolve the challenges gifted students face in traditional school environments. If you are uncertain about whether or not your child is considered gifted or if our programs will be suitable for him or her, simply give us a call and we will help you to make an informed decision about whether or not online education is right for your students.

How We Help Advanced Students

While being a gifted student can be a great advantage, there can also be struggles with traditional schooling for advanced learners. When students are working at a pace above their peers or do not feel challenged, performance can decline despite their advanced skills. Online courses allow these students to engage with challenging coursework at their own pace, helping them graduate high school in a way that meets their educational needs. San Diego Virtual School offers accredited virtual schooling that can make enhance your gifted child’s experience.


Gifted learners know how to ask questions and consistently inquire why or how something works. Advanced learners are curious about how the world works and want to understand the fundamentals of a lesson rather than simply studying for the sake of getting a good grade. Learners of this stature are naturally very creative and are generally good at using this creativity for problem-solving. When taking an online course, there is a need for a child to be motivated enough to complete their work, and this quality is present in many gifted students. They want to learn and understand the material, so they tend to work diligently and reach out for help when needed.

It is not enough for more advanced students to simply understand a topic that’s on the test or in the syllabus. Students with advanced levels of intelligence and motivation are naturally curious about more advanced topics. Even if they do not directly correlate with what’s required in their schooling, an advanced student is willing to go even further in the pursuit of challenging themselves during their studies. Our program offers both a traditional curriculum and a wide range of electives, allowing students to engage with topics that interest them as a part of their schooling. As an advanced accredited online high school, these courses go towards your child’s high school diploma while also keeping them interested.

Our customized courses are self-directed, so a student is able to take more advanced courses to further their learning. As a student is in control of their education through our program, they are able to spend more time learning in a fashion that works around their own schedule. With the schedule flexibility, students are able to work around their own schedule, opening the door to other possibilities and giving them the chance to spend time on other pursuits or interests that may bolster a college application. Students are able to get on the fast track to college courses or internships to help set the foundation for their future while they work to complete high school. As they pursue these opportunities, San Diego Virtual School offers both college and career counseling to assist with planning and applications, setting our students up for a successful future.

In addition to achieving their educational goals faster, advanced learners will also benefit from the support they need. Our California credentialed teachers offer hands-on support in a safe and secure online environment. Students will benefit from interactive learning, while receiving one-on-one support that isn’t often found in traditional classrooms. Plus, they’ll advantage from state-of-the-art technology to take their education even further.