Homeschooling gifted students is an important aspect of giving them a proper education that meets their needs and adequately challenges them. Advanced learners may not feel comfortable in a traditional educational system, and San Diego Virtual School can help them by providing an environment and resources needed to become educated at their own pace. Give us a call today to get started with an online education program that will adequately challenge your gifted student and give them the tools to excel much faster. In addition to a quality education, your child will have access to free career and college counseling to help them use their advanced skills to work towards a promising future.
Because San Diego Virtual School is an online charter school, we are able to offer this unique and flexible option to advanced learners at no cost. The same funding that would be used to put a child through public school is also available for our online classes for courses for gifted students. In order for an advanced student to benefit from our program, they must be no older than 19 years of age. In addition, the student must reside in San Diego, Orange, Imperial, or Riverside county.
Once you reach out to San Diego Virtual School, you will be paired with an advisor to walk you through the enrollment process. They will help you navigate the enrollment process to ensure your child is set up for success. Contact us today to start the process now!